The sport you never knew you wanted to play
So the other day I was tasked with coming up with a banner to help promote the youth rugby club that I am on the board of and I was trying to come up with a tag line. I searched the world wide inter web for guidance but quickly got sick of cat videos, Fox News and just blah. So I delved into the recesses of the grey squishy bit between my ears and came up with: Rugby. The sport you never knew you wanted to play. Now, I could have stopped with ' The sport you never knew ' as in the US that seems to be the case. Very few people know of the sport, some know of it but really know nothing and those that do know, well they play :) So lets start with the first group, those that don't know. Can't really blame them that much as it is not a prime time game with overhyped songs inquiring if you are ready for some football (the too-may-pads one, not the kicky one). It doesn't appeal to the major networks as it has that one thing that American sports hate, a lack of timeo...