2018 in the rearview mirror
Well - let's be frank, 2018 was not a big year for Poets Day posts - only 10 blogs written - about 1,700 reads total but which means about 170 people read each blog, which is not horrible considering they are, let's be honest, not always that good and very rugby centric :) So what have I been up to since I haven't been writing Poets Day posts you ask ? Well, you probably didn't ask, so I am taking a bit of a liberty here :) Rugby, I have been doing an awful lot of rugby stuff in my free time. I am a founding board member with Cary Rugby who had U10, U12 and U14 tackle teams in 2018 plus a U8 and sometimes U10 touch teams. I also assisted Coaches Tim and Jose on a local select U14 team that went to a 2 day tournament in South Carolina. I then decided it would be fun to go to Asheville to drink beers with the local Raleigh Rugby Old Boys team and somehow ended up on the paddock for a brief stint. For the first time in about 27 years I actually "played" tack...