You know, it’s funny where I get inspiration to write this drivel. I’ll tell you this much for free, writing this crap is not easy, but my adoring fan (thanks Mum) is ever demanding for new and improved posts (usually with less swearing) so I have to keep my fan/Mum happy. Also The English Major doesn’t do fuck all on Poets Day anyway so the 5 minutes he spends checking my posts are the highlight of his day. Anyway, back to this week’s inspiration, a Crowded House (famous Kiwi band, not from the prison colony even though they might claim them – and Phar Lap) song. Why is it this week’s inspiration? I have no idea. It just popped into my head the other day during an opium induced haze and stayed there. The other day I was at a trade show in the safe zone known as San Fran, City by the Bay, home of the 50 th Super Bowl (sort of as the stadium is nowhere near town any more) and a close personal acquaintance of mine, let’s call him Mr Pelaez (really need to update your Linked...
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