
Showing posts from June, 2010

Why are there so many German cars in LA

I have no idea - why are there so many German cars in LA - oh - and lot's of Lexuses (or is that Lexi). Yes - I am in LA - land of Mickey Mouse and BMW/Mercedes dealerships. Seriously - the things are freaking everywhere - and the odd Audi. Managed to see a Bugatti Veyron on Rodeo Drive - $1.7 million dollars for a freaking car - yes a nice car -but can it tow a boat?? Can you fit in a gun rack - actually if you can afford a Veyron you probably have someone else tow your boat and carry your guns for you - prick. Sleeping at my brothers pad - the actor working on being famous so I can skim cash from him and buy a boat ( - someone please give him a really big paying job. He was concerned that I wanted to move the latest in floor sleeping technology (read air mattress with a snuggie as a blanket) to a slightly less noisy place in the room - next to a book shelf. He said that in the case of an earthquake the book shelf might fall on me - I said I was not concerned ...