Why are there so many German cars in LA

I have no idea - why are there so many German cars in LA - oh - and lot's of Lexuses (or is that Lexi).
Yes - I am in LA - land of Mickey Mouse and BMW/Mercedes dealerships. Seriously - the things are freaking everywhere - and the odd Audi. Managed to see a Bugatti Veyron on Rodeo Drive - $1.7 million dollars for a freaking car - yes a nice car -but can it tow a boat?? Can you fit in a gun rack - actually if you can afford a Veyron you probably have someone else tow your boat and carry your guns for you - prick.
Sleeping at my brothers pad - the actor working on being famous so I can skim cash from him and buy a boat (www.jonnoroberts.com) - someone please give him a really big paying job. He was concerned that I wanted to move the latest in floor sleeping technology (read air mattress with a snuggie as a blanket) to a slightly less noisy place in the room - next to a book shelf. He said that in the case of an earthquake the book shelf might fall on me - I said I was not concerned as all the titles were light reading.
Yes smoggy LA, where every freeway becomes a car park and every waiter has a head shot. Being the major home of porn in the US you can read that last bit 2 ways. What have I learned here in 2 days - well bugger all actually apart from the fact that I wouldn't want to live here. Sure it has cars and bars and movie stars but it also has - well a bunch of crap that I don't want to deal with. This is not a Poets Day town - it's way to freaking busy to slow down on a Friday and enjoy life - it is a town that is always working it's lines and hoping the big break is around the corner - as long as the break does not involve the San Andreas fault.
Heading to San Diego on Wednesday and then on Saturday the 12th June starts the epic journey across the country assisting the Durham Cares RAAM team - www.durhamcares.org/raam/ - I am driving the support RV that we are calling 'The Ark' because Mothership seemed to cheesy and we couldn't think of a better name - actually it is because the riders will be coming in 2 by 2 but don't ask me to explain.
I have made a promise to myself to post more frequently here - not that anyone bloody well reads this - it is like therapy. Quite frankly couldn't give a monkey's toss if no one reads this. Just a place to let the creative juice's flow (a bit like a monkey's toss I guess) and another way to exercise grey matter.
I guess I need to crack a cold one - no drinking on the RAAM

Cheers - by the way Mr Heineken - still waiting on the sponsorship



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