
Showing posts from June, 2012

Poets Day - working from home

It's been a while but time for me to pontificate again :) So I had to ask myself how exactly do you celebrate Poets Day when you work from home (I am finally out of freaking transition) and I realized that the location of where you work does not affect celebrating Poets Day. It is a lot easier to 'Piss Off Early' when all that entails is getting up from the computer, it's not like there is some jack wad clock watcher seeing you walk out a bit earlier on Friday when you work from home - although is this day in age and with some of the stuff I sell/have on my PC in theory someone could. The thing is when you work from home you can be a lot more efficient with your work time as long as you set your mind too it. Sure it can be tough not talking about the latest song/movie/score (sport or otherwise) around the water cooler but sometimes that can be a good thing. I miss not hearing the bubble gum popping, hunt and peck typing, loud ass that I used to share the office with...