Poets Day - working from home

It's been a while but time for me to pontificate again :)

So I had to ask myself how exactly do you celebrate Poets Day when you work from home (I am finally out of freaking transition) and I realized that the location of where you work does not affect celebrating Poets Day. It is a lot easier to 'Piss Off Early' when all that entails is getting up from the computer, it's not like there is some jack wad clock watcher seeing you walk out a bit earlier on Friday when you work from home - although is this day in age and with some of the stuff I sell/have on my PC in theory someone could.

The thing is when you work from home you can be a lot more efficient with your work time as long as you set your mind too it. Sure it can be tough not talking about the latest song/movie/score (sport or otherwise) around the water cooler but sometimes that can be a good thing. I miss not hearing the bubble gum popping, hunt and peck typing, loud ass that I used to share the office with - but my sanity doesn't :) (sorry T). I do miss the impromptu conversations, ability to knock on someone's door to ask them for help and walking upstairs/downstairs to harass others when my brain needed a break - not sure if the other people in the office miss it as much though :)

But in all reality is doesn't matter what I miss - working from home is going to be the norm for me going forward - so I need to shut the f**k up and buy a helmet and get on with it. I need to work hard all week so that I can celebrate Poets Day. There may not be the symbolic shutting down of the PC, jumping in the old Suburban and heading out like there used to be - but my beer fridge is about 12 feet away so do I really care?

The other great things about working from home include:
Beer Fridge (think I mentioned that)
Working in shorts and a T Shirt
Working without Shorts or a T Shirt (making sure I have no video conf calls those days)
Designating an executive bathroom and not having to worry about someone taking the other stall
Liquor Cabinet
The commute is easy, if I ever get stuck in traffic between the bedroom and the office it must have been a hell of a night
I can read The Chive (helped me get through transition)
Not a problem if I forget my lunch
Not an issue if last nights dinner was Mexican

This Poets Day will be spent at the pool with the kids and my little green dutch friend in a can. Come join me - will be the longest commute I have made all day.

Work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration.

Happy Poets Day


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