Australia History Month Day

It is a little known fact that today is Australia History Month Day. I have decided to share some of the most important things about Australia that you may not be aware of on this historical Poets Day. Now some of you may know that I am a huge fan of all things Australian, like Phar Lap, Pavlova, Crowded House, Russell Crowe and of course the Lord of the Rings movies.

What has this to do with Poets Day you may ask. Well many of the people that emigrated to Australia had to work hard all week (mainly because they were convicts) and unfortunately could not really Piss Off as they were in shackles. Actually, nothing to do with Poets Day at all really I just felt like sharing this historic occasion with y'all and also these little known Australian facts:

  • A boomerang that won't come back is called a stick
  • The Great Sandy desert is in fact a great big sandy desert
  • People with Red hair are called Blue, People with Blue hair are called Ethel or Grandma
  • The aboriginal word for Fosters is 'sexinacanoe' - which translates to 'fucking close to water'
  • Translated into English Ayers Rocks is - 'ere's a rock'
  • Australians a commonly known as ockers, aussies, wannabies and thieving mongrel bastards
  • NASA did not invent Velcro - it was Ned Dundee - owner of the largest sheep farm in New South Wales
  • The phrase 'that ain't a knife, this is a knife' is commonly used in Australian public restrooms (where knives are not allowed)
  • A dingo did, in fact, eat that baby
  • Bonefish opened up a chain of restaurants in Australia called Bonesheep - but Aussies thought they were brothels
  • Putting another shrimp on the barbie is usually pointless
  • No ones knows what 'You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me' means
  • Having stock options means you get to pick out the pretty sheep first
And as always work hard (or work smart - use the wider comb when shearing), play hard (as long as it's not that crappy Aerial Ping Pong shit that Aussies love so much) and earn your inspiration (don't steal it like those thieving Aussie mongrels)

Happy Poets Day


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