I am definitely not writing this at work.......

I have far more important things to do on a Friday morning than write a blog. I work in Sales damn it, I need to look at the weather, check the rugby scores from the games played back in NZ on Friday (timezones = awesomeness), work out my plans for the weekend and pretend to respond to emails from customers. I definitely don't have time to write a silly Poets Day blog.

Can you imagine what would happen if the people working in the NOC (somewhere in India I guess, hell I don't know, I work in Sales) found out I was sitting here pounding out some drivel when they are actively working trouble tickets and supporting my customers (at least that is what I presume they do, I have no idea, I work in sales).

And the developers (not sure why we need developers as I don't have a film camera any more and don't know anyone who does)...oh, someone just told me they were software developers, I have no idea what that means. What if these "software developers" found out I was penning some useless hogwash on a Friday, how would they feel. They might get their 1's and 0's confused (apparently that is a bad thing).

I mean it is Friday, no one in Sales works on a Friday. We are too hungover from drinking chardonnay at the club after 1/2 day Thursday and a quick round of 18 holes. Do people understand how hard we have to work to keep our handicap in the single figures? Being in Sales is far more challenging than people realize, we have to talk to customers, buy them drinks, take them to dinner, pretend to remember their kids names when really it is our sales assistants that give us the information prior to them dialing the customers then handing us the phones.

So why would I be writing this blog at work on a Friday. I need to get the convertible valeted, clubs cleaned, wine ordered and tables booked for dinner. Well technically my sales assistant does but I need to remind her of her job roles, when I can remember her name. Had to replace the last one as she/he (cannot remember which) didn't get me front row tickets as requested for the Stones concert, I mean how hard can that be.

So all that being considered I do not have time to write this blog at work, I have a hair appointment to get to and a suit fitting. I am sure there are some people working on a Friday somewhere but they really need to consider the benefit of putting in a full 4 hour workday broken up by a 3 hour lunch on the last day of the week. It's not like us Sales people are working that hard. That is just not how it's done.

Work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration

Happy Poets Day - I'm outta here :)


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