You must remember this, a kiss is just a kiss.

So I was pontificating on what I could write about for this Poets Day – I was going to post a link to an old post but then a friend commented on the book of faces that she had ‘that Poets Day itch’ (there is a cream for that by the way) and I thought why not throw some words down on the electric typewriter and see if they make any sense.

So what the hell does a song from Casablanca have to do with Poets Day? Well nothing but those lyrics - to me - were perfect for todays theme which is all about applying subtext to comments and actions where (maybe) there was no subtext implied. I am pretty much a black or white person with some subtle (about 50) shades of grey thrown in :) Sometimes, however people will impose their own subtext or meaning to my comments and act or judge based on that subtext. They do not realize that they are condemning/judging me when they are actually the ones with the bias/issue. WTF am I talking about? 

Well sometimes a kiss, is just a kiss. 

Not that I am running all over town kissing people and saying ‘It’s just a kiss’ (these days I tend to walk or drive). 

Sure sometimes there is subtext in peoples actions but sometimes we look for subtext that is not there just to, well fucked if I know why as I try not to do it. Well that is not 100% true, sometimes I make a decision based on actions but that is usually as I do not have enough information to make the correct decision – and we all know there is no correct information on Fox News. Just because a person of the opposite sex smiles at you across a crowded room doesn’t mean they want to be doing the horizontal Samba with you that night. You might remind them of a friend, your fly may be undone or they might be shortsighted and be smiling at the flower arrangement to your right. It is a bit like the online dating scene – just because someone is on a site that you think is  ‘match me with people of the opposite sex who just want to get laid’ they may actually be there for legitimate reasons. I met a wonderful person many moons ago on a dating site, but that is a whole other story.

This writing about psuedo personal stuff in a blog can get a bit complicated sometimes as people can read subtext it in where there isn’t any. Just remember, it’s not about you :)

You know what, I have not eloquently elaborated on today’s theme but it is a tough one.  I hope you get the concept but just in case lets try an example that won’t get me in trouble.

Many moons ago I was working back home in NZ and every day a woman that worked there would come to me for a hug, as she liked my hugs. Now in this day and age she/I/everyone would have been sued for sexual harassment but there wasn’t any – unless I was the one being harassed – I am just that good at hugs (ask my kids). There was no underlying subtext there, no sexual thingy going on, just a good old-fashioned hug. Tell you what, if you see me in the street and want a hug just come and get one, try it yourself :)

I think people can get to caught up in their own heads and thoughts and forget that other people are not necessarily thinking that way. Not everyone is aware that 1 + 1 can equal 3 if you carry the 2. Sure sometimes there is subtext and there are times you can combine a bunch of different things to create a new whole. But just because a cat goes missing in the neighborhood doesn’t mean that an electric monk will suddenly ride up on a horse (points for anyone who get’s that reference).

Life is tough enough without people jumping to conclusions based on their own internal analysis and elaboration of a comment that was just a comment. Is anyone sure if the stairs in 39 Steps was a reference to the steps in Battleship Potemkin, or were they just some bloody steps. In L.A. Story Steve Martin goes into intricate detail describing the erotic imagery of a painting and when the camera pans around so you can see what he is describing all you see is a great big canvas painted red. Read into what you see and hear as much as you like, but chances are all that is in front of you is that big red canvas. 

Maybe sometimes we need to be more like kids.

So anyway, that is my thought for this week – seriously, I only can mange one thought a week these days. Yes, it might be a bit deep but sometimes this kiwi likes to go deep - and too damn right there was some subtext there :)

So work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration.

Happy Poets Day


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