
Showing posts from January, 2016

Everywhere you go, always take the weather with you

You know, it’s funny where I get inspiration to write this drivel. I’ll tell you this much for free, writing this crap is not easy, but my adoring fan (thanks Mum) is ever demanding for new and improved posts (usually with less swearing) so I have to keep my fan/Mum happy. Also The English Major doesn’t do fuck all on Poets Day anyway so the 5 minutes he spends checking my posts are the highlight of his day. Anyway, back to this week’s inspiration, a Crowded House (famous Kiwi band, not from the prison colony even though they might claim them – and Phar Lap) song. Why is it this week’s inspiration? I have no idea. It just popped into my head the other day during an opium induced haze and stayed there. The other day I was at a trade show in the safe zone known as San Fran, City by the Bay, home of the 50 th  Super Bowl (sort of as the stadium is nowhere near town any more) and a close personal acquaintance of mine, let’s call him Mr Pelaez (really need to update your Linked...

A journey of sight and sound

Sometimes I try to write these posts to be a bit like an episode of The A Team with some deep meaning in the post and sometimes I don’t.  This one is more like an episode of Baywatch, a lot of jiggling and bouncing with no real depth but you cannot pull yourself away. Or a car crash, yeah, this one is more like a car crash. This week we lost two megastars. Ziggy Stardust and Hans Gruber are no longer here, however they remain with us through sights and sounds that are a part of our culture (well at my age they are). I was never a huge Bowie fan but that being said it wasn’t that I disliked his music, it just wasn’t my favorite. In all honesty as much as I love music and have a Bowie song in my head right now as I pontificate about this (bloody annoying I may add as I AM TRYING TO WRITE HERE MAJOR BLOODY TOM) I am definitely more a visual person. Yes I know Bowie was also a star of the silver screen but he wasn’t in the best Christmas movie ever. Bowie wa...

These aren’t the resolutions you are looking for

After hours and hours of laborious research I have discovered why people actually make New Years resolutions, but you can probably find the reasoning for it on a Wiki of some sort so I am not going to bother explaining why here. Suffice it to say I believe making New Years resolutions is a stupid concept as I keep breaking mine, so I am resolving not to make any more. At least not New Years resolutions. To be completely honest (another resolution) my research on this subject was a little more limited than I might have said it was. Basically I Binged it (so under-rated as a search engine), looked at the Wiki article and then quit. Why you may ask? Basically as it is all a bit boring and even worse the Wiki thingy stated ‘A New Years resolution is a tradition……. in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people beginning from New Years Day’. Say what? Some people might make a resolution to open...

All is quiet on New Years Day

New Years Day 2016 - first Poets Day of 2016 - I wonder what this year will bring?  :) How appropriate that 2016 starts with a Poets Day. How annoying that I have to write a blog with a New Years haze :)  Actually I don't have a haze at all. New Years was a quiet affair with my Dad visiting from New Zealand and the kids playing on their electronic game of choice. We spent the evening with a couple of quiet adult beverages and College Football on the Child Hypnosis Device that is now blaring shows from the Mickey the Rat Channel. Before I look forward to 2016 lets have a quick recap (as that is the thing to do apparently) of what happened with my Poets Day blog in 2016. There were 26 posts (not bad) with one awesome guest writer. The most popular post was 'Who gave out so many Soapboxes' and the least most popular 'I believe you have my stapler'  - and after quickly re-reading that one I can see why, it was pretty crap. Audience wise the biggest group of readers ...