Do you have some Spazmatic in you?
No, it is not a line that the lead guitarist uses to pick up young ladies at the Cedar Street Courtyard in Austin (well not that I know of, and if it isn’t, it should be) but more a question. Do you have some Spazmatic in you? I guess it would help if y’all knew who The Spazmatics are. Well you could Bing them (I now have Windows 10 and apparently I cannot write the G word any more) but instead let me take you on a journey of sight and sound using the wonderful medium of typed letters arranged into something that smart people call words. The Spazmatics are a 80s cover band based in Austin (but you can start a franchise in a city near you) that play every Wednesday night at Cedar Street and also have other gigs (one would presume). They dress thematically – bass player wears a skid lid, lead singer has a foam neck brace, lead guitar looks like a vertically challenged Bjorn Borg and the drummer dresses like an 80’s nerd (if he was to dress present-day nerd he would most lik...