
Showing posts from April, 2017

Lowered Expectations

I was going to write this week about friends, work friends mainly, and mainly the work friends that you still have at a company that you were asked to leave from 5 years ago (isn't it odd how weirdly specific these blogs seem to be, it is almost as if many of these stories are based on actual events that happened). You know you left a mark on a company when a person who you haven't seen seen in over 5 years asks you when you are having the next Poets Day as part of the opening 'Hello' statement - obviously he hasn't seen me in 5 years or he would know that every Friday is Poets Day. Anyways, so I am not going to give a shout out to Jet ski, Rivers, that Welsh Car Blog writer (no the Lions do not have a chance), Kelli, Tom S, Chris C and the beautiful 10 week old daughter of two of my favorite people - even if one of them is bald (and they never pop over for a beer). I am definitely not going to do that as I think only one of them even reads this damn thing - and sh...

Sometimes it's nice to mow your neighbors lawn

And no that is not a euphemism I have some great neighbors. One couple, let's call them Keve and Stim (names changed to protect the innocent, not very well I may add) built a little walkway between the 2 houses that is known as Roberts Way, pretty sure the main reason for it was to stop me from stomping all over Stim's flowers when I wander over for a beer but it was still a nice gesture. Anyway - back to the lawn mowing. Keve loves to run but recently had some surgery that meant that running wasn't such a good idea any more so he decided to start riding a bike. He was doing pretty well riding through the neighborhood with Stim sitting in a cute little basket he had on the front of the bike (a la Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, not that Butch had Sundance in a basket because as we all know no one puts Sundance in a basket - or is it baby in a corner?). Anyway one day Keve, sans basket and Stim, decided to go on a more adventurous ride when a jackass in a black Subu...