Sometimes it's nice to mow your neighbors lawn

And no that is not a euphemism

I have some great neighbors. One couple, let's call them Keve and Stim (names changed to protect the innocent, not very well I may add) built a little walkway between the 2 houses that is known as Roberts Way, pretty sure the main reason for it was to stop me from stomping all over Stim's flowers when I wander over for a beer but it was still a nice gesture. Anyway - back to the lawn mowing.

Keve loves to run but recently had some surgery that meant that running wasn't such a good idea any more so he decided to start riding a bike. He was doing pretty well riding through the neighborhood with Stim sitting in a cute little basket he had on the front of the bike (a la Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, not that Butch had Sundance in a basket because as we all know no one puts Sundance in a basket - or is it baby in a corner?). Anyway one day Keve, sans basket and Stim, decided to go on a more adventurous ride when a jackass in a black Suburban (and no it was not me in The Beast) drove past him on the road then turned right across the front of his bike, putting Keve on the hardtop and in the process fracturing that thing between the ankle and the knee (also the 3rd most popular last name in China). Well Keve was not too happy about this as one might suspect and his lawn (that he keeps excellent care off) started to look at bit like, well, mine :)

A few weeks ago Keve, Stim and the kids headed off for a break :) so I decided it would be the neighborly thing to do to mow their lawns after mowing mine. Sure I didn't do as good a job as Keve would normally do, but I did a much better job than he would have done mowing on crutches.

Sometimes it is nice to mow your neighbors lawn

Would have been nicer if the grass hadn't been so bloody long :)

I mowed it again last weekend when they were away also (starting to see a trend here - maybe they are deliberatly going on vacations). They didn't ask me to mow the lawn, it just seemed like the right thing to do, which is not something I am known for doing so I am as surprised as they were :)

I think my regular reader and paid subscriber (thanks Mum for being both) can see where this weeks pontification is heading - I mean it was a bit obvious with the subject header being what it is, but for the slow to catch on (sorry Mum) I will explain the obvious.

It is good for your soul to help someone out randomly without expectation.

Now I know there are probably a bunch of all y'all that do amazing things for local charities, football teams, Cary Claymores Rugby (best rugby club in the area) but when is the last time you did something for a friend just because it made sense. Keve and Stim didn't ask me to mow, didn't expect me to mow and know that it was not done for any reciprocal reason, I just did it because it needed to be done. Helping someone put groceries into their car, holding open a door, saying please and thank you - these are things that should come naturally to people that have any sense of self worth. Actually getting out there pushing a mower for an hour, helping someone move apartment, driving someone 2 hours out of town to pick up the Beast after it blew a coolant hose (that is a whole other story) are actions that actually take some time and some small amount of sacrifice (mowing the lawn just sacrificed some relaxed beer drinking time - but the sacrifice felt real to me). And yes I know there are numerous wonderful people who do great charitable work, church work or coach the best rugby club in the area (Cary Claymores - @Caryrugby) but how often do you get the chance to do a one-off (or in this case twice, Keve better be back walking soon as three times might be too much) thing for a friend/neighbor? Not often enough I would guess.

So if you get the chance to mow the neighbors lawn do it, give yourself a quick pat on the back then move one. Don't write a blog about it as that would just be grandstanding and a quest for accolades, just move on, don't pop over and drink their beer via Roberts Way, just get on with your life you jackass.

Oh, it is amazing how therapeutic this blog can be sometimes :)

Speaking of blogs (great segue - no not the 2 wheel mall cop movers - those are Segways) this weeks blog has been a while coming and I apologize to my paid subscriber but I have been a little busy of late. What with mowing Keve's lawn, coaching kids rugby 2 nights a week (@Caryrugby - sponsors wanted) and the weekend Jamborees, not training like I need to for the triathlon in July (to be precise not training at all yet - only 3 months to race day so need to get on my bike I guess) and my work as a professional procrastinator I have been a bit remiss of late. I promise that I will work harder to impart my amazing brilliance on a much more regular basis again - as long as I don't spend the morning watching rugby on ESPN3.

May your beer be cold, your back be strong and your lawnmower have a sharp blade.

Work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration

Happy Poets Day


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