Why aren't you playing touch rugby?
This Wednesday in fairly decent heat (about 90F so 32C for the rest of the world) about 24 hardy souls from the Cary Claymores and Coach Chris from the North Raleigh Redhawks turned out for a couple of hours of running around (with plenty of water breaks) to play some touch rugby. Kids ages varied from around 6 to 14 with about 8 parents/coaches joining in. Everyone got the touch the ball, everyone got to run forward (some sideways and backwards but we are working on that), everyone got to pass, most of the kids got to score tries and everyone had fun - why weren't you there? We do it most every week. Touch Rugby is the sport you want to get involved with, it is the sport you want your kids to get involved in and all they need equipment wise is shoes, clothes to run around in and the want to learn about the game that will help them hugely in life, especially when it comes to making decisions, teamwork and respect. This week we had a new Dad bring his 2 kids out for the first t...