Keep your friends close......
And don't be afraid to call a person an asshole if they are an asshole (or arsehole depending on whether you celebrate the 4th of July or not).
Y'know it can be tough to write a weakly blog (and yes, I know, it was deliberate and I shouldn't have to explain that). It has been a few years since I started using this secret personal public diary to occasionally impart words of wisdom (if they can be called that) to the multitude of people who read this (pretty much Mum and her book club) and sometimes inspiration hits me right in the feels and sometimes it just passes on by. Sometimes an article in the electronic news inspires me, sometimes it is a song, a passing comment or just something that pops in the grey squishy matter then suddenly I am off to the races. Lately there has been little that has popped hence the sparsity of brilliance over the past couple of months. I try to pontificate on subjects I have passing knowledge of or some passion for, but lately my knowledge seems to be past it's use by date and people might be getting bored of blogs about rugby. Also I have been told that I can tend to swear too much in my posts and that I need to be more professional and frankly that has limited what I can actually write about as quite frankly I am pretty much a professional swearer :)
So bollocks to anyone who gets offended by the odd cuss word, it's not like I am making you read this drivel anyway.
A couple of months ago I was at a trade show where I expressed to a friend that a new employee of a company she worked for was an asshole (might have said fucking asshole, but I might have also have had a few beers when I expressed my opinion). A couple of nights later as I was leaving the bar said Asshole asked my why I called him an asshole to his workmates. The answer was simple and brief "Because you are an asshole". He did not seem to accept my comment and went to explain that he wasn't as asshole and that he was a good guy and something else probably (at this point I had tuned him out completely). He might have been upset that his boss (who knows that I am an asshole - or probably does even though I think he likes me) was standing next to him when I expressed my opinion on him, or he might have been upset that I had told people what I honestly thought of him or he might have been a whole lot of things but quite frankly I didn't care. I showed him as much respect as he had shown me when he was my "boss" - so basically none. Don't worry, pretty sure (well lets say 99.999999% sure) that no one else that reported up to him disagree with me about my analysis of his personality, just not sure they have had the chance to express it to him personally.
The cool thing was that a few weeks later I made some smart ass (arse) comment about perception being reality (one of my pet peeves) to a previous message and he replied with some more crap then a very badly veiled threat to smear my name to my current employer, my reply was to go ahead. My exact words were ' are more than welcome to express any opinion of me to anyone you like as it doesn't worry me', I guess I should have said and 'honest' opinion of me but it doesn't really matter. Luckily the people who know me, the people I work for on a pretty damn regular basis (needed to say that as they sometimes read this) know who I am, know my reputation (the good, the bad and the slightly exaggerated) and still want me to work for them.
That also goes for my friends, the ones that know me. Once they get past the annoying fake accent (I am really from Lubbock TX but don't tell anyone that),the profanities and the excessive use of Chardonnay they tend to find I am not a bad person, I might be different, but in a good way. I like to think that my friends are close (metaphysically at least) and that I am not afraid to call an asshole and arsehole :)
My apologies for the month or so respite between posts but go read the first paragraph again.
This weeks post was co-bought to you by Steve R (we will miss you in the Raleigh office and good luck to you in your new role) and Mikey D (hope you got to see the Durham Bulls stadium - great seeing you for a beer). Did you know that if you search for the most boring place in the US you get my fake home, Lubbock TX? Did you know that Chardonnay is an exotic dancer? Did you know that if that last sentence suddenly offended you, you might want to get a sense of humor and I am not sorry for the offense (anyway, it is a joke - her name is Shiraz). Did you know that you just called me an asshole? :)
Work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration
Happy Poets Day.
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