Can I still get a hug at work?
It's been a while, not since I got a hug at work because I got one yesterday and the only reason I am not getting one today is that I am working from home, but it has been a while since I have put pen to paper (technically fingers to bluetooth enabled keyboard). 'Why James', you ask (or should that be 'Why, James') 'has it been so long since you penned your last blog?' and my reply, in all honesty is, "Have you seen the crap in the news these days?"
I had decided last year to try and not talk about stuff I know nothing about (i.e. Politics) and instead tell funny stories and maybe write something relatable. Well unless you relate to rugby good ideas have been scarce as of late until the house of cards starting falling down :) Now, understand, I am in no way supporting any of the people in the news lately but rather am supporting all the people that are NOT in the news lately - all those people that right now are scared that the work hug that has been judiciously allocated for years without any malicious or overtly sexualized reasons might be on the out, and quite frankly that is just ridiculous.
Why do the many have to to pay for the crimes of a few ?
Now you must understand that I am a full on hugger, not one of those arse sticking out (or should I use the word buttocks) huggers that just drapes their arms around your shoulders and keeps the rest of their body as far away from you as possible. I am an all in, all enveloping hugger that quite often will include a kiss on the cheek, especially if you are someone I really care about, or if I have had glass or two of chardonnay or a couple of Campari and sodas (ok - we all know I mean Heinekens or Jack and Cokes but I did't want to sound too boorish). I also do the old handshake that evolves into the one arm hug with hands stuck in the middle and sometimes even the full on bear hug with lift. Note I am not giving these hugs to random strangers on the street, no, these hugs are special hugs and are given out with true feeling (emotional not physical - not trying to cop a feel hug). But in this day and age when the pervert is running the asylum is it even safe to give a hug (or get a hug) at work?
I say it is.
It's not like I am trying to grab someone by any part of their anatomy, nor bragging about it with a hot mike on to someone who he probably thought was related to an ex-president, then calling for people who have done the same or less to be fired/resign all the while promoting a probable pedophile. I mean he said it was only locker room talk and you have to believe everything he says, even after he said he didn't say it, even though we all know he did say it. It is a bit like one of his speeches, indecipherable and written by a dog chasing a squirrel. But as I said before, not talking politics :)
According to my research (typing hug into Alta Vista then looking at the images) the word hug is either derived from an Old Norse word meaning to comfort or a German word meaning to foster or cherish and oh my god that part of this blog was boring. No one really cares where hugging came from we just all know that sometimes we need a good hug, a physical connection to another person that cares for us, is happy to see us or is sad to see us go. In a previous job back in NZ one of the employees came to my desk every day for a hug, just because my hugs are that damn good.
So I am standing here (well sitting, but I could be standing if I was in the office as I have one of those desks that goes up and down which Jim keeps messing with) thinking that enough it enough. I will not go gentle into the night, hugs will not vanish without a fight, hugs are going to live on, hugs are going to survive. Today, and even day, we celebrate the right to get a hug at work day (that end bit didn't work out quite right but you get the gist). Just remember when you give a hug you are not POTUS so keep the hands up :)
This weeks blog was not edited by The English Major as I need to race off and get my kids for the weekend and don't have time to send it to him. He did, however, approve of the title when I came up with it last week, I said to him that, based on the title, this weeks blog would actually write itself, but unfortunately it didn't so you had to put up with what I came up with instead. If you are ever in need of a friendly chat, an ear to listen or a cold brew or warm cuppa feel free to reach out. Just know that a hug will be administered at the door :)
Work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration
Happy Poets Day
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