It's not about you

As the author of a world famous blog that is read by at least 1 person (thanks Mum) I sometimes have to be careful about what I post and who I may or may not be referring to in my posts.  Now some are obviously about people – for example ‘Who will I go to bed with now?’ was about my beloved David Letterman. Some are not so obvious, but rest assured, it’s not about you.

Last week I discussed the phrase ‘Don’t be a dick’ and then shared it with some people that I am doing business with (you don’t think I am making my fortune writing a blog do you?) and someone responded ‘….am I being a dick?’. Now obviously that person (you know who you are) felt a little guilty for whatever reason (you know what it is) however the post was not about you J

So, even though the posts may not be about you directly, my hope is that you are enjoying the mixture of humor and education in these silly things I write. Now I am not doing this for plaudits or accolade, I am doing this because it is fun and someone stole my personal Hannah Montana diary that I used to write in before (I will find you  - whoever you are). Sure it is nice when people write a comment on my posts - whoever used the word ‘twatcock’ on the last one, I know where you live J - or share the post, but no matter how much you relate to my posts please know, it’s not about you.

It is not easy to fulfill people’s expectations (well at least 1 person – thanks Mum) of writing a witty, intellectual and thought provoking digital diary every week. Sometimes I have to look at odd places for inspiration, or have the person sitting across from me who says ‘Have you written the bloody blog yet’ to actually get my A into G. The fact that that same person has an English Major and is now checking my blogs and providing a sanity check on them before I post them is not helping either, as he wants to go home early and drink a cold beer. But don’t worry mate, this post is not about you.

This post was going to initially be about something completely different, an expose on how we should all at some point dance naked in the rain – there are a few people that I would like to watch do that.  I was also going to write about how important it is to go skinny-dipping when you can and to be proud of the body that you have. But then I realized that some people might think I was referring to a specific time or place or situation but as I have stated previously, this post is not about you.

I am not 100% sure yet if I have conveyed correctly the underlying premise of this bunch of drivel that (according to the pageview thing on the blog thingy) is apparently getting read in Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France to mention a couple of places. Funnily enough there are more people in France reading this than in Germany - probably the first time the French have beaten the Germans at anything. But don’t worry, no matter where you are or how you read this, this is not about you.

You know how I know this is not about you? There are a couple of obvious reasons that it isn’t but the most singularly important reason, the one reason that cannot be argued with, the one reason that guarantees that you can know with 100% certainty that this jumble of words, joined into oddly structured sentences then thrown into, what is most likely, grammatically incorrect paragraphs is not about you is because…..

It’s about me J

 So work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration.

Happy Poets Day.


  1. My my my ~~~ always knew it was about you J ~~~

    Love your blogs!


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