What floats your boat?
This one is going to be quick and deep – just the way she likes it :) A couple of months ago The English Major had a social gathering to celebrate his marriage. It was one of the big anniversaries, 3 months I think--pretty sure that is when the blow jobs stop or something like that. Anyway at said social gathering I bumped into a couple of, well, not sure if I can call them gentlemen, so I will go with blokes who have the same issue as me. Apparently it is quite a common issue and it gets worse as you get older or once you have kids. I mean there is nothing worse than having the vessel but no ability to use it, after a while it seems like you might never get to use the damn thing again. We 3 discovered that this issue was something that we didn’t need to go through alone so we decided to form a support group for local men in the area. It was time for other men to know that they were not alone in this and that they had people that would support them and knew what they...