My eyes are up here

It is a great thing when you are in sales to have attributes that make you stand out from the crowd, a hook if you may, but sometimes it seems that all people care about are my attributes and they cannot see the real me. For years I have felt that people just care about my most prominent attribute and not about me and quite frankly I am starting to get frustrated by it. There is more to me than what you get from a quick first glance, a quick first impression and judging someone’s worth by their attributes really can be demeaning to you and to me.
Sure I may have had some augmentation done over the years but it’s not like I just thrust it out in your face, well maybe after a couple of drinks. I do admit it is nice to be noticed in a world when first impressions count but there is so much more to this book than just the cover. There is a heart, a soul, a mind, an intelligence, a professional human being with hopes and dreams and aspirations.  But does that matter to you?
My eyes are up here damn it.
I mean it’s not like it is my fault. I don’t have a choice. Sure I could get some work done to make it not so prominent, but for what end? Just so I can fit in to the norm, the expected, the average. I don’t want to be average but at the same time I don’t want to just be known as a one trick pony. I don’t want to be known as a trick at all. People love to say ‘Perception is Reality,' but is it really? Just because you perceive one thing about me does that mean that is all there is to me? Of course not. There is more, so much more but people tend to label me as soon as they meet me. Doesn’t matter if I am dressed up or casual it is always the same old thing.
My eyes are up here.
I get it, I do. I know sexy sells and lord knows I sell, but I don’t just sell because of the sexy. It gets me in the door and helps people remember who I am so I guess I shouldn’t complain too much, but there is still that part of me that knows that I am more than just a first impression, a glimpse, someone to brush past in a crowded bar just for a quick thrill. I mean what is wrong with you people? Y’all need to stop being so judgmental, so quick to form an opinion based on a first impression. Just because there is a stereotype does not mean I fit it. Stereotyping someone is just plain lazy, it is demeaning to you and to me. I don’t make snap judgments on you just because you are wearing a suit that looks like it was made from a cheap carpet used in a 70’s porno and you shouldn’t make snap judgments on me for knowing what a cheap carpet in a 70’s porno looks like.
One last time, my eyes are up here.
 Like I said, I get it. I have been hearing it most of my adult life so it is nothing new. Hell, I had a couple of not unattractive members of the opposite sex make a comment about it recently and I am sure if I wanted I could have gotten them to see more of me based on it. I guess that is a good thing; good to know I still have it. I just want people to know that I am more than just that one first thing they notice, more than just an object and I deserve to be treated as such.
It’s not like I go around saying that women have a great set of tits to their face so why the fuck can they tell me they love my accent?
As usual this blog is not about you and if you think it is about you then you are probably wrong (but not definitely). If you find this blog offensive then you probably haven’t read this far anyway so not going to pretend to apologize for the fact that you need to get the fuck over yourself. Also, if you find my swearing offensive definitely never have a drink with me :)
So work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration.
Happy Poets Day


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