
Showing posts from July, 2016

The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley

I had a brilliant (even if I say so) idea of what to write about this week whilst watching Dual Survival on Discovery. One of the dual survivors is a Kiwi with that iconic Kiwi sense of humor and more that just a little of that good old Kiwi practicality. If you get a chance check out the show and you will appreciate the laconic comedy of a Kiwi bushman – or you might be a dick J Anyway, so this brilliant idea was to write about how well Kiwis were doing in the world right now. There was a Kiwi on Angie Tribeca (TBS) recently, there is a Kiwi on Wrecked (also on TBS), there is a Kiwi in the new kids show Voltron Legendary Defender (now on Netflick), the Kiwi movie Hunt for the Wilderpeople recently got a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes (or is that Tomatos), the incredibly awesome Flight of the Conchords are playing here in Cary NC this Monday, the documentary Tickled directed by a couple of Kiwis is getting rave reviews and one of the leads in the Star Trek movies is a Kiwi also....

For what it’s worth

There’s something happening here What it is ain’t exactly clear There’s a man with a gun over there Telling me I got to beware I love this song. Funnily enough my first real memory of it is from the Muppets. There was a scene where there were a bunch of woodland creatures singing in the forest (or should that be forestland creatures signing in the woods? – whatever) when all of a sudden a bunch of bumbling hunters come crashing through the woods shooting at anything (and missing) then heading off camera to have the animals come out and continue singing – at the time I thought it was pretty damn funny. Right now a song from 50 years ago is ringing pretty damn poignant to me. I think it’s time to stop, children, what’s that sound Everybody look what’s going down I am not smart enough nor have I experienced what some people have experienced in their lives so I am not going to make comment on anything although I do think, for what it’s worth, shit ain’t right. Th...

Let's honor those that give us the ability to celebrate this long weekend

As a sales monkey most weekends are pretty much long weekends, but then sometimes the calendar of public holidays blesses the people that wander around the office with clipboards in their hands – the faceless, nameless herd that probably work in operations or support or something like that – with a longer than 2 day respite. This weekend is one of those weekends with the 4 th  of July falling on a  Monday  so the grey people can experience, for a fleeting moment, what it is like to soar with the eagles that are sales people. It's not like I mean to look down on those that don't have a scratch handicap or can’t tell the difference between a Pahlmeyer Sonoma and a Kistler Sonoma Coast les Noisetiers (everyone knows the Pahlmeyer has a hint of oak). I mean I am sure they perform some vital function in the workplace thingy so why not, every now and again, let them enjoy a 3 day weekend also. Funny thing about these ‘offic...