Let's honor those that give us the ability to celebrate this long weekend
As a sales monkey most weekends are pretty much long weekends, but then sometimes the calendar of public holidays blesses the people that wander around the office with clipboards in their hands – the faceless, nameless herd that probably work in operations or support or something like that – with a longer than 2 day respite. This weekend is one of those weekends with the 4th of July falling on a Monday so the grey people can experience, for a fleeting moment, what it is like to soar with the eagles that are sales people.
It's not like I mean to look down on those that don't have a scratch handicap or can’t tell the difference between a Pahlmeyer Sonoma and a Kistler Sonoma Coast les Noisetiers (everyone knows the Pahlmeyer has a hint of oak). I mean I am sure they perform some vital function in the workplace thingy so why not, every now and again, let them enjoy a 3 day weekend also.
Funny thing about these ‘official’ 3 day weekends, it seems like the day preceding the weekend (I believe some people call it Friday – it is of course Poets Day to me) seems to be a day where the clipboard carrying faceless people seem to do less wandering about, keyboard typing and muttering than usual. It is as if they can tell that it is a special weekend even for them. It is a bit like how your Golden Retriever, Jameson, gets excited when you have your assistant come over to pack your luggage for a trip. They can tell something is going on but they are not sure if they are going to be included in the event or not. I say why not let them enjoy the long weekend also, they work hard (probably – once again no idea what they do) so let them out at 5:25pm instead of 5:30pm. There is no reason that they cannot enjoy, somewhat, the fruits of your labor, albeit in a very diluted manner. I am sure you can have them make up the 5 minutes the following week. Everyone says that to be a good boss you have to be a fair boss so why not throw them a bone every now and then (once Jameson has finished with it of course). These are the days where a bit of good judgment can get a whole lot of good mojo in the office. It’s not like you want to be there either :)
So, there we have it. This weekend let them out a little early – it’s not like they can get a tee time anyway so they are not going to cause any issues for your foursome, or your golf game.
Just remember however that you still need someone to carry your clubs, shave the European white truffles onto your Chillingham beef ribs and pour you your Macallan Lalique. Sure they get to lick the plate clean and sniff the cork but is that really enough?
So this week I would like to pay tribute to those that don’t get to enjoy the long weekend as they are actually working. In our case it is the support people in India and I have no idea if they celebrate the 4th of July anyway so probably not a big deal for them, actually they don’t need to get out early now that I think about it. Remember that there are people that don’t get to enjoy ribs, mac and cheese, friends and the King of Beers (I actually shuddered writing those words – King of Beers my ass) because they are actually working, so don’t be a dick to them. Say thank you, be nice and appreciate the fact that they don’t have the same work ethic as sales people.
(Some of) this weeks blog was bought to you with tongue in cheek and an appreciation for the people that do the jobs I am neither capable of doing nor desire to do, I am not NOC'ing y’all (inside joke sort of). As always nothing was hurt in the reading of this blog apart from your IQ and sense of self worth. Finally, ask yourself this question. Did you get the foursome joke?
So work hard, play hard and earn your inspiration.
Happy Poets Day and have a great 4th July
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