
Showing posts from 2010

Why are there so many German cars in LA

I have no idea - why are there so many German cars in LA - oh - and lot's of Lexuses (or is that Lexi). Yes - I am in LA - land of Mickey Mouse and BMW/Mercedes dealerships. Seriously - the things are freaking everywhere - and the odd Audi. Managed to see a Bugatti Veyron on Rodeo Drive - $1.7 million dollars for a freaking car - yes a nice car -but can it tow a boat?? Can you fit in a gun rack - actually if you can afford a Veyron you probably have someone else tow your boat and carry your guns for you - prick. Sleeping at my brothers pad - the actor working on being famous so I can skim cash from him and buy a boat ( - someone please give him a really big paying job. He was concerned that I wanted to move the latest in floor sleeping technology (read air mattress with a snuggie as a blanket) to a slightly less noisy place in the room - next to a book shelf. He said that in the case of an earthquake the book shelf might fall on me - I said I was not concerned ...

Mystery Sushi with guest artist

Poets Day last week was a rock and roll night thanks to Mystery Sushi - you can read more here: Yes - that is not me in the photo but I can rock a tambourine :)

Learn to Laugh at yourself

I decided today that people who don't know how to laugh at themselves are just dicks - I could say that if you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at, but that is to freaking pc. Quite frankly if you cannot laugh at yourself you are a dick - there you go I said it again. There are way too many people taking all this to seriously - for example bloggers. Here I type into a blog whilst I have not let anyone know about the blog - I mean how pathetic can you get. Maybe just typing into a blog will make me realize that if I want a private journal I can just write into a little bound notepad with a nice clasp and crappy lock. As my son says way too often - whatever. So that being said I am now laughing at myself and will now attempt to get people to read my blog and hide my private journal somewhere safe :) Back to the original point - learn to laugh at yourselves and don't be a dick - you will probably live longer - can't be sure about that fact as I am not a docto...

Poetsday now blogging - maybe

Thought that since I am using all things Google I need to start a Google blog for Poets Day - hoping to link in to the Tweets/Buzz/Facebook whatever 2010 is planned to be a big year for Poets Day US - finally get some more details on the concept and the creed 'Earn your Inspiration' Let's have some fun with this Poets Day US Founder James