If you can’t be yourself, what’s the point of being at all?

So I was going to write a post about political correctness and how much bs we have to put up with because of it but my brother sent me a post regarding the show he is doing in Chicago and in the article was the quote - apparently from Tennessee Williams - If you can’t be yourself, what’s the point of being at all? - and damn it I like that quote and it sort of fits perfectly with the being PC concept I was going to pontificate on (I think I will use pontificate in every post) anyway.

Being PC at work means you have to fit into some stupid box that defines the way you are meant to behave. I did a personality test the other day and apparently I fit right in the "sales person" box. Screw that - most people's perception of sales people is that they get paid too much, play too much golf, think that the world revolves around them (well that one may be correct) and also are not sure if the operations team is outsourced to India or are those odd looking people hiding behind the 3 monitors on their desks on the other floor. I am a sales monkey because I like it and because it gives me the chance to be myself. Sure there are scripted sales people, trained sales people, annoying as hell sales people but I am a sales monkey, swinging around, having fun, kicking ass and taking names :) (I won't mention the flinging poop bit here - but that is fun also)

The more PC the workplace becomes the less individualism is shown. Where is the sandbox for ideas, where are the places where you can share an opinion with out fear of retribution of some kind. A friend said he learnt the political game where he worked and that he now knew how to get promoted. God forbid people get promoted for doing a good job (not that he wasn't), secondary to that how many people keep their jobs because of politics not performance. I knew a manager about 14 years ago who hired people he knew were incapable of doing his job so he could have job security - yeah, that is in the best interests of the company - but he played the PC game so was safe - what a dick.

This post is way too long - but there is so much to say, so much wisdom to impart and so many politically correct tossers out there I could write all freaking day - but it's Poets Day so that is not going to happen. I will however provide y'all with some inspirational words to use - these have been stolen from the English (probably by the Aussies btw)

Tosser/wanker - pretty interchangeable/understandable
Muppet - ruined now by Bret McKenzie with his song - Man or a Muppet :)
Pillock - means idiot now - just sounds better than idiot ie 'you freaking pillock'
Munted - used here perfectly after the quakes in NZ last year - "Our main sewer truck is seriously munted," Mayor Bob Parker told TVNZ. "I believe that is the technical term."

So be yourself (as long as yourself is not a complete tosser) and have some fun, screw the PC people (doubt you could as most are way too up tight) and have a laugh.

Work hard and play hard and earn your inspiration

BTW if you don't like my posts - I don't care :)

Happy Poets Day


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