Can I still get a hug at work?
It's been a while, not since I got a hug at work because I got one yesterday and the only reason I am not getting one today is that I am working from home, but it has been a while since I have put pen to paper (technically fingers to bluetooth enabled keyboard). 'Why James', you ask (or should that be 'Why, James') 'has it been so long since you penned your last blog?' and my reply, in all honesty is, "Have you seen the crap in the news these days?" I had decided last year to try and not talk about stuff I know nothing about (i.e. Politics) and instead tell funny stories and maybe write something relatable. Well unless you relate to rugby good ideas have been scarce as of late until the house of cards starting falling down :) Now, understand, I am in no way supporting any of the people in the news lately but rather am supporting all the people that are NOT in the news lately - all those people that right now are scared that the work hug that has...